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6 Ways to Help Your Child Heal from a Tooth Extraction

September 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — happyteethsh @ 5:07 pm
A little boy pointing to his missing tooth site.

Nobody likes to see their child in pain, but sometimes a little discomfort is unavoidable, especially if they need a tooth extraction. Thankfully, if they do need teeth removed, there is plenty you can do as a parent to help them feel better and heal faster, so they’re back to their usual self in no time!

Keep an Eye on Numbness

When your child’s tooth is removed, the area will be numbed with anesthesia. This should wear off within several hours after the extraction. In the meantime, be sure to pay close attention to your child to gauge their pain levels. Be sure to only feed them soft foods or drinks during this time, and don’t let them use a straw for several days as this can cause the clot in their extraction site to dislodge and increase their risk of dry socket.

Monitor Their Gauze

To stop the bleeding, gauze will be placed on the extraction site by your child’s dentist after the procedure. Make sure they keep it in place in their mouth for at least 45 minutes. If you remove it and the site is still bleeding, you can replace it by creating a new one. Just fold a small square of gauze and dampen it with warm water. Have them continue to bite down on it for 30 minutes. Should bleeding persist beyond this point, call their dentist as soon as possible.

Watch the Clot

The clot forming in your child’s extraction site is an extremely necessary part of the healing process, and thus you should encourage them to keep it safe during this time. Again, do not let them use a straw for at least a week prior to the extraction, and for the first 24 hours do not allow them to partake in any activity that could increase blood flow such as sports or rough play. Also, do not let them spit saliva or fluid out of their mouths, as this can also damage the clot.

Keep it Iced

If your child has any facial swelling, this can be treated by applying cold compresses to the face for 20 minutes at a time.

Clean it Up

Though regular oral hygiene is important, have your child avoid brushing near the extraction site for the first 24 hours after their procedure. After 24 hours, they can brush around the area, but should not touch it with their toothbrush, finger, or anything else. To ensure that the site stays clean, they can gently swish warm salt water (1 teaspoon to one glass of water) and then carefully open their mouth and let it dribble out. Do not allow them to spit anything out for at least 3 days as this too can dislodge their clot.

Give Lots of Love

You don’t need our help with this part! Your child’s healing process will be much easier if you show them lots of love, care, and compassion during this time, so don’t be afraid to baby them a bit (if they’ll even let you!).

Remember, helping your child heal from a tooth extraction may seem overwhelming, but it’s much easier than you might think with the help of these important guidelines.

About Dr. Singh

Dr. Amar Singh loves being a pediatric dentist because it allows him to help kids and have fun at the same time! He especially enjoys seeing how happy his patients are when they realize how easy their appointment really was.

If your child needs a tooth extracted, Dr. Singh and the team at Happy Teeth of Southampton are here to make the procedure as easy and stress-free as possible. To schedule an appointment, please visit our website today, or call us at 215-874-3786.