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Cosmetic Dentist Southampton

Creating Dazzling Grins

While Dr. Amar is a pediatric dentist, he also offers personalized cosmetic dentistry treatments in Southampton for parents and teens. Do you ever look at your own smile in the mirror and wish you could make a few improvements? Let our team at Happy Teeth of Southampton know what is bothering you so that we can help you find a solution for your cosmetic dental woes. Reach out to us today for more information about the various cosmetic dental services that we offer.

Young boy in denim shirt smiling in dental chair

Why Choose Happy Teeth of Southampton for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Lifelike Zirconia Crowns
  • Direct Bonding for Quick Improvements
  • Advanced Options for Teeth Whitening

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Several white dental crowns on table next to dental mirrors

Damaged teeth can’t heal themselves, so they need to be repaired by a dental expert. However, a traditional metal restoration can leave your child with a dark spot in their smile that might make them feel self-conscious. The good news is that at our office, we can provide dental crowns and fillings made out of tooth-colored materials. With these types of restorations, it won’t be obvious that your child has had dental work done; they can head back to school and confidently show off a natural-looking smile. 

Direct Bonding

Illustrated ultraviolet light being shone on a tooth

Sometimes a tooth might be chipped or cracked in a way that doesn’t cause a serious issue but is still less than desirable in terms of appearance. Minor dental damage can often be fixed with a simple cosmetic dentistry treatment known as direct bonding. A bit of composite resin is carefully applied to the affected teeth in order to cover up chips and any other imperfections. Don’t worry about having to schedule multiple visits; it typically only takes one appointment to complete the direct bonding process.

Teeth Whitening

Woman in light blue blouse smiling outdoors

Eating certain foods can cause discolored spots to appear on the teeth. In many cases, a teeth whitening treatment can help get rid of these stains in order to create a more dazzling smile. There’s more than one way to whiten teeth; if you set up an appointment with Dr. Amar, he can go into more detail about the available treatment options and help you figure out the best way to achieve the desired results.