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Restorative Dentistry Southampton

Gently Restoring Your Child’s Damaged Teeth

Avoiding cavities and other oral health issues altogether is always ideal, but even if you do everything right, your child may still end up with decayed or otherwise damaged teeth. Luckily, our team is here to help with this type of situation. Dr. Amar can quickly identify the problem and figure out the best way to treat it for the sake of your child’s oral health. Don’t hesitate to call us today if you would like to schedule an appointment and learn more about the various restorative dentistry services available at our pediatric dental practice in Southampton.

Young girl smiling outdoors after restorative dentistry in Southampton

Why Choose Happy Teeth of Southampton for Restorative Dentistry?

  • Silver Diamine Fluoride for Decayed Teeth
  • Lifelike Metal-Free Crowns
  • Pulp Therapy for Infected Teeth

Silver Diamine Fluoride

Young girl receiving dental treatment

If your child has a hard time sitting still in the dental chair, it may be difficult to treat their decayed teeth with a filling. Luckily, there’s another option: silver diamine fluoride. We can apply the substance to your child’s teeth to stop decay from spreading any further. The silver portion helps kill the bacteria that caused the cavity to form in the first place while the fluoride helps remineralize the enamel. As a side benefit, silver diamine fluoride can help reduce the sensitivity that is often a side effect of decay.

Pulp Therapy

Illustrated dental instrument treating the inside of a tooth

A particularly severe cavity might reach the deepest parts of your child’s tooth, causing an infection of their dental pulp. Said infection needs to be treated if you don’t want your child to suffer significant oral pain and/or lose the tooth altogether. In many cases, a procedure known as pulp therapy might be necessary. This is where we remove the dental pulp along with any harmful bacteria, apply some medicine to reduce any discomfort that your child may be experiencing, and place a crown in order to keep the tooth in question safe.

Metal-Free Dental Crowns

Dental crown covering a tooth in a model of the mouth

Dental crowns are an excellent restorative option in many kinds of situations. We often recommend them for rebuilding and strengthening teeth that have become significantly decayed or damaged. You may be familiar with crowns made out of stainless steel, but at our practice, your child can get a metal-free crown that’s composed of lifelike zirconia. This way, we can resolve your little one’s dental issues while also letting them maintain a beautiful smile that makes a strong first impression for all the right reasons.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Close up of mouth being treated by dentist

Silver amalgam used to be the go-to material for dental fillings. Unfortunately, this came with obvious aesthetic drawbacks and could even lead to additional oral health issues. Nowadays, we prefer to use fillings made out of composite resin, which is a material that can be shaded in order to match the color of your child’s teeth. Compared to amalgam fillings, tooth-colored fillings are less likely to damage the tooth over time since they don’t expand or contract in response to temperature changes.